Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Welland tenant ordered to pay $810 for door damage caused by guest
Cornwall landlords awarded $14,604 in rent arrears, evict tenant for non-payment and substantial interference
Landlord Loses Utility Dispute: Smith v Thompson and Mason
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenant in Guelph
Landlord's undue damage claim dismissed in Toronto case
Hamilton landlord's application to evict tenant dismissed due to procedural error
Welland tenant ordered to pay $810 for door damage caused by guest
Cornwall landlords awarded $14,604 in rent arrears, evict tenant for non-payment and substantial interference
Landlord Loses Utility Dispute: Smith v Thompson and Mason
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenant in Guelph
Landlord's undue damage claim dismissed in Toronto case
Hamilton landlord's application to evict tenant dismissed due to procedural error
Welland tenant ordered to pay $810 for door damage caused by guest
Cornwall landlords awarded $14,604 in rent arrears, evict tenant for non-payment and substantial interference
Landlord Loses Utility Dispute: Smith v Thompson and Mason
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenant in Guelph
Landlord's undue damage claim dismissed in Toronto case
Hamilton landlord's application to evict tenant dismissed due to procedural error
Welland tenant ordered to pay $810 for door damage caused by guest
Cornwall landlords awarded $14,604 in rent arrears, evict tenant for non-payment and substantial interference
Landlord Loses Utility Dispute: Smith v Thompson and Mason
Landlord Wins Rent Arrears Case Against Tenant in Guelph
Landlord's undue damage claim dismissed in Toronto case
Hamilton landlord's application to evict tenant dismissed due to procedural error
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Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 83.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 33.33%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
Landlord Win Rate: 0%
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